Elk City News, November 2, 2022 - WOHS Unveils Website
From the Elk City News on Wednesday, November 2, 2022 WOHS Unveils Website By Sheryl Ponce During the...
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27 downloads Newspapers, Snippets
WOHS Membership Form
Dues and the application should be mailed to WOHS, P.O. Box 542, Elk City, OK 73648 or taken to the...
0.00 KB
20 downloads WOHS
WOHS By-laws
Western Oklahoma Historical Society, Inc. By-laws as amended February 18, 2019. ...
0.00 KB
19 downloads WOHS
The Oklahoman, July 14, 1967 - Museum Opens At Elk City
An article from The Oklahoman, July 14, 1967 about the opening of the Old Town Museum Elk City – Western...
86 KB
20 downloads Newspapers, Snippets
The Oklahoman, December 20, 1964 - Museum in the Mill
This article is from The Oklahoman newspaper on December 20, 1964. Museum in the Mill Plans have been...
100 KB
24 downloads Newspapers, Snippets
American Red Cross Collection - Letter - August 25, 1918 - Dear Buddy ....
A letter written by a soldier in France during World War I to a buddy. Dated August 25, 1918. [Not...
481 KB
33 downloads American Red Cross Collection
American Red Cross Collection - Letter - April 18, 1918 - Dear Old Pal
A hand written letter by a U.S. Marine to a pal in Elk City describing his experience in France in World...
288 KB
26 downloads American Red Cross Collection