Postcard to Nellie Swanson, Medford, Oklahoma, December 17, 1911
Accession # 1998.001.001
To: Miss Nellie Swanson, Medford, OK
From: Homer H.
Postmark: Stillwater, OK
Date: December 17, 1911
Description: Pink flowers, The chain of friendship
Stillwater Okla
Dec. 17, 1911
Dear friend Nellie:
Your most kind & welcome card of the 14th at hand I am getting along fine at school and was glad to hear that you are getting along so well with your school year. I expect to spend Xmas with C.V. folks. The fall term closes Mon. Think I will be home by the 20th of this month. Well I suppose you will have a Xmas tree at your school. The college is holding the final exams now. Took examinations in arith, Enginer & Farm Machinery yesterday. Wishing you a Merry Xmas & happy New Year I remain your friend
Homer H.

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